Jigar Shah
Generate Capital


Jigar Shah is the co-founder of Generate Capital.

All work from Jigar Shah

2 Results
Livingston, Hagerman, and Shah on the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy

Carnegie Fellow David Livingston joins Tom, along with Lisa Hagerman and Jigar Shah, to discuss the transition to a low-carbon economy. (Runtime - 29:19)

  • +1
· June 30, 2017
Addressing Climate Change Through Innovation
June 21, 2017

The transition to a low-carbon economy after the Paris Agreement has been embraced by an unprecedented number of countries and thousands of subnational groups, and is contributing to growth and competitiveness globally.

  • +5
  • David Livingston
  • David O’Sullivan
  • Kristalina Georgieva
  • Manish Bapna
  • Jon Chase
  • Lisa Hagerman
  • Jessica Nigro
  • Jigar Shah