Nancy Birdsall
Senior Associate


This person is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Nancy Birdsall was formerly at the Carnegie Endowment in the economic reform project. She is now at the Center for Global Development, 202-328-9000.

Previously, Ms. Birdsall was executive vice president at the Inter-American Development Bank, where she served as the president’s deputy in the management of the bank’s operations and administration and as chair of the loan committee responsible for country programs and all public and private lending operations.

Ms. Birdsall has also held various policy and management positions at the World Bank, including director of the Policy Research Department, which conducted research and analysis in such areas as adjustment and growth, poverty and human resources, financial sector, trade, environment, and private sector development. She earlier served as chief of environmental operations in Latin America, and of social program operations in Brazil. In 1983 and 1984, she headed the team that prepared the World Bank’s annual World Development Report, and is the author of numerous publications on labor market, human resource, and other development issues. Her most recent work is on the relationship between income distribution and growth. Ms. Birdsall holds a doctorate in economics from Yale University and a master’s in international relations from the Johns Hopkins Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.

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