in the media

A Conversation With Ambassador William Burns

Ambassador William Burns, president of the Carnegie Endowment, discusses his diplomatic career and the issues currently impacting today’s world.

published by
NPR’s Diane Rehm Show
 on March 2, 2015

Source: NPR’s Diane Rehm Show

The late American diplomat Richard Holbrooke once said diplomacy was like jazz – “a constant improvisation on a theme.” It’s something Ambassador William J. Burns would know. He spent 33 years in the U.S. Foreign Service, playing the role of negotiator in many of the crises of our time. He was ambassador to Russia and Jordan, and he rose to become Deputy Secretary of State, only the second serving career diplomat elevated to that role. He retired from the Foreign Service recently to run the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Host Tom Gjelten speaks with Ambassador William Burns on his lengthy career and current issues facing today's world.

This broadcast originally appeared on NPR’s The Diane Rehm Show.

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