About the Program

The Europe Program in Washington explores the political and security developments within Europe, transatlantic relations, and Europe’s global role. Working in coordination with Carnegie Europe in Brussels, the program brings together U.S. and European policymakers and experts on strategic issues facing Europe.


Baltic Sea Region Security Initiative

The Baltic Sea Region is a key pillar in Europe’s emerging security architecture. The potential for cooperation and innovation is substantial. This project examines the region’s approach to a broad array of security challenges, from maritime security to defense industrial cooperation, critical infrastructure protection, energy security and civil defense.

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Program experts

Dan Baer

Senior Vice President for Policy Research, Director, Europe Program

Sophia Besch

Senior Fellow, Europe Program

Olivier Blarel

Visiting Fellow, Europe Program

Anu Bradford

Nonresident Scholar, Europe Program

Alper Coşkun

Senior Fellow, Europe Program

Noah Gordon

Acting Co-Director, Sustainability, Climate, and Geopolitics Program, Fellow, Europe Program

Garo Paylan

Garo Paylan

Visiting Scholar, Europe Program

Adam Tooze

Nonresident Scholar, Europe Program, Carnegie Europe

All Work from Europe

1368 Results
Yerevan, Armenia
“Supporting Armenia’s Democracy and Western Future”

The political and security situation in the Caucasus has changed, and it would be a mistake to not ask ourselves, in a dynamic moment like this, whether there are any new opportunities to build a more promising future in the wake of a tragic past.

· September 10, 2024
Testimony before the Helsinki Commission
in the media
Inside the Rar-Right Blueprint for Germany’s Eurasian Future

Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) is surging, with breakthroughs in regional and EU-wide elections. Party leader Alice Weidel says her goal is national power, eyeing the 2029 federal elections.

· September 6, 2024
DW News
in the media
A European Plan for Trump (and Harris)

A Trump win is still possible. Germany and Europe should develop innovative tactics to position themselves intelligently in case of transatlantic chaos. Even if Harris wins, these efforts wouldn’t be in vain.

· September 4, 2024
Internationale Poltik
in the media
Summer Special: Unpacking the Washington, DC Think Tank Scene

A summer special conversation on the Washington, DC think tank scene from a European perspective.  

· August 14, 2024
The Eurofile Podcast (CSIS)
in the media
Cautious Optimism in Washington: Brussels Sprouts and Friends from the Halls of the NATO Public Forum

A discussion on the current situation in Ukraine, what a bridge to membership for Ukraine might look like, reflections on past NATO enlargement, the role of NATO in supporting freedom and democracy, the European industrial defense base, burden sharing, NATO partnerships and much more.

· August 8, 2024
Brussel Sprouts
in the media
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: NATO at 75

A discussion on NATO and European security. An explanation on the outcomes of NATO's 75th anniversary summit, and what Donald Trump’s return would mean for the alliance and for European security more broadly.

· August 2, 2024
Center for European Reform
in the media
Turkey’s Role in the European Defense Pillar

Calls for a more robust European defense pillar are often strong in principle but weak in detail. At NATO’s headquarters, most would consider Turkey as integral. But on EU premises , there would be little appetite to include Ankara when conceptualizing the defense of Europe.

· July 23, 2024
Geopolitical Intelligence Services
Biden and Stoltenberg sit in front of mikes at the NATO summit
Is NATO a Good Deal?

How leaders in Washington and Europe might make a stronger case for the transatlantic alliance.

  • +1
  • Tobias Billström
  • John Hickenlooper
  • Janet Napolitano
  • Jim Sciutto
· July 10, 2024
U.S. Role for a New Regional Order in the South Caucasus
July 24, 2024

The South Caucasus's geography—the borders the region shares with Russia​— has long overshadowed its politics. But with Moscow occupied with its war against Ukraine, countries in the region are developing alternative foreign policy priorities and recalibrating relations with the West. As Armenia moves closer to the United States and Europe, the government in Georgia is lurching towards Moscow – despite opposition from its society. Meanwhile, Armenia and Azerbaijan are in talks for a historic chance for a peace treaty which could serve as the bedrock of a new regional order.  

What is the significance of the South Caucasus for the West? How likely is a peace deal between Armenia and Azerbaijan? What can the U.S. do to encourage regional cooperation and reconciliation? And how should the U.S. support democratic aspirations of Georgian society? 

Join the Carnegie Endowment’s Europe program to discuss the U.S. role for a new order in the South Caucasus with Ambassador Yuri Kim, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasian Affairs;, Marie Yovanovitch, former Ambassador to Armenia and Ukraine and senior fellow in Carnegie’s Russia and Eurasia Program; and Dan Baer, director of the Europe Program at Carnegie and former U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

in the media
Will the NATO Alliance Survive a Second Term of Donald Trump?

Experts opine on whether the NATO alliance can survive a second presidency of Donal Trump.

· July 9, 2024
Foreign Affairs
Yerevan, Armenia
“Supporting Armenia’s Democracy and Western Future”
· September 10, 2024
Testimony before the Helsinki Commission
In The Media
in the media
A European Plan for Trump (and Harris)
· September 4, 2024
Internationale Poltik
In The Media
in the media
Summer Special: Unpacking the Washington, DC Think Tank Scene
· August 14, 2024
The Eurofile Podcast (CSIS)
In The Media
in the media
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: NATO at 75
· August 2, 2024
Center for European Reform
In The Media
in the media
Turkey’s Role in the European Defense Pillar
· July 23, 2024
Geopolitical Intelligence Services
Biden and Stoltenberg sit in front of mikes at the NATO summit
Is NATO a Good Deal?
  • +1
  • Tobias Billström
  • John Hickenlooper
  • Janet Napolitano
  • Jim Sciutto
· July 10, 2024