
2017 Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference, March, 21, 2017

IN THIS ISSUE: 2017 Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference, Toward A Nuclear Firewall: Bridging the NPT’s Three Pillars, North Korea Revs the Engine of Its New High-Thrust Missile, Amid North Korea threat, Tillerson Hints That ‘Circumstances Could Evolve’ for a Japanese Nuclear Arsenal, SAV in DC at #Nukefest2017: Potential Indian Nuclear First Use?, EU Wants Further US, Russian Cooperation on Nuclear Nonproliferation - Mogherini

Published on March 21, 2017

2017 Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference 

Watch all the action from the 2017 Nuclear Policy Conference online

Day 1 of the 2017 NPC kicked off with several high-level keynote speakers, panel discussions, and plenary sessions. Click here to watch the opening keynote with EU High Representative Federica Mogherini. Click here to watch the lunchtime keynote delivered by US Senator Tim Kaine. Finally, click here to watch the Iran Deal: International Perspectives plenary with IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, Baroness Ashton, UAE Ambassador Yousef Al Otaibai, and Carnegie NPP's Ariel “Eli” Levite. Moderated by BBC’s Kim Ghattas For more information on the conference, and to watch many other exciting livestreamed panels, please click here

Toward A Nuclear Firewall: Bridging the NPT’s Three Pillars

Toby Dalton, Wyatt Hoffman, Ariel (Eli) Levite, Li Bin, George Perkovich, Tong Zhao

There is no clear, internationally accepted definition of what activities or technologies constitute a nuclear weapons program. This lack of definition encumbers nuclear energy cooperation and complicates peaceful resolution of proliferation disputes. A “nuclear firewall” could enhance the distinction between nuclear weapons–related activities and other non-weapons uses of nuclear technology. Applying a firewall framework for analyzing nuclear programs could improve international governance of nuclear technology and facilitate peaceful nuclear cooperation and disarmament. It could also expand the time and means available to key states and international bodies, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency and United Nations Security Council, to diplomatically resolve impending proliferation crises.

North Korea Revs the Engine of Its New High-Thrust Missile

Choe Sang-Hun | New York Times

North Korea conducted a ground jet test of a newly developed high-thrust missile engine, the country’s state-run news media said on Sunday, even as Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson is in the region discussing tougher strategies to help end the North’s nuclear and missile programs. The Korean Central News Agency said the test took place at the same northwest facility where the country has been launching rockets to put satellites into orbit, which Western officials have said were efforts to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Amid North Korea threat, Tillerson Hints That ‘Circumstances Could Evolve’ for a Japanese Nuclear Arsenal

Jesse Johnson | Japan Times

The possibility of a nuclear-armed Japan has again been raised by the Trump administration, after U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson appeared to say in an interview ahead of his visit to Beijing that, with “all options on the table” regarding the North Korean threat, “circumstances could evolve” in terms of Tokyo acquiring atomic weapons.

SAV in DC at #Nukefest2017: Potential Indian Nuclear First Use?

South Asian Voices

At the 2017 Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference being held in Washington D.C., Prof. Vipin Narang, an expert on South Asian nuclear strategy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, created waves with his statement that India may abandon its no first use policy and launch a preemptive counterforce strike against Pakistan if it believed that Pakistan was going to use nuclear weapons (likely tactical nuclear weapons) against 

EU Wants Further US, Russian Cooperation on Nuclear Nonproliferation - Mogherini

Sputnik News

The European Union wants deeper cooperation between the United States and Russia on nuclear nonproliferation efforts, EU Foreign Affairs High Representative Federica Mogherini said on Monday. Mogherini added that Europe and Russia have also cooperated successfully on nuclear issues, including the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. However, she claimed, a new arms race between the United States and Russia would destabilize entire regions and threaten security.

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