

Washington, DC



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event speakers

Shin Kawashima

Shin Kawashima is a professor in the department of international relations at the University of Tokyo where he specializes in modern Chinese diplomatic history.

Satoru Mori

Satoru Mori is a professor in the Faculty of Law at Hosei University. He specializes in international relations, U.S. foreign policy and Cold War history.

文 史

前资深研究员, 亚洲项目


Matake Kamiya

Matake Kamiya is a professor of international relations at the National Defense Academy of Japan and a director and distinguished research fellow at the Japan Forum on International Relations.

Yuichi Hosoya

Yuichi Hosoya is a professor in the Faculty of Law at Keio University where he focuses on post-war international history, Japanese diplomacy, and contemporary international security.

Sheila Smith

Sheila Smith is senior fellow for Japan studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. She is an an expert on Japanese politics and foreign policy.

肖夫 詹姆斯•

前资深研究员, 亚洲项目

詹姆斯•肖夫(James L. Schoff)的研究主要集中在美日关系及地区性事务、日本政治和私营部门在日本决策中的作用等方面。