Global Cybersecurity Norms in an Age of Great Power Rivalry

Thu. December 21st, 2017

In recent years, cybersecurity issues are becoming increasingly important for modern international relations. The necessity of introducing cyberspace regulation on the global level is widely discussed by governments, business representatives, and experts.

Is it possible to reach an agreement on basic restrictions for major players in areas of cyber-offensive capacity creation and application? Are there any international law mechanisms that can establish a template for such regulation? Is it possible to separate military and non-military critical infrastructure facilities? Can competition between the major powers in other areas (such as Sino-American trade, or conflicts in Syria and Ukraine in U.S.-Russia relations) create obstacles to reaching agreements in cybersecurity?

Are governments capable of reaching an agreement on the prohibition of cyberattacks on financial market infrastructure? Does private business play a role in this case? Is it possible to develop a constructive discussion on global regulation of non-military technologies, including AI, in the climate of fierce geopolitical rivalry between the major powers and stiff commercial competition between global companies? What are the prospects for the establishment of an internationally recognized court of international cyber conflicts? And if governments are currently unable to cooperate and create the cyber restrictions, is it better to focus on communication and de-escalation channels?

These and many other questions were discussed by a panel of distinguished experts.


Oleg Demidov is a professor at the Higher School of Economics.

Motohiro Tsuchiya is a professor of Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University, and Deputy Director at Keio Global Research Institute (KGRI).


Elena Chernenko is the head of Foreign Desk at the "Kommersant" daily newspaper.

event speakers

Oleg Demidov

Motohiro Tsuchiya

Elena Chernenko is a journalist with Kommersant newspaper.