
Pivotal States: Testing the Limits of the U.S.-Vietnam Relationship

Wed. January 31st, 2024
Live Online

The strong partnership between the United States and Vietnam is a testament to reconciliation between bitter enemies. Shared economic and security interests now underpin the relationship, and Vietnam and the United States have recently upgraded their relations to a milestone “comprehensive strategic partnership.” At the same time, Hanoi has carefully pursued a strategy of multi-alignment, deepening ties with China, Japan, and South Korea, while still maintaining its relationship with Russia.

How far can the U.S.-Vietnam partnership go? What steps might the United States take to advance this partnership, and what should it avoid? What lessons can be drawn for other U.S. partnerships in the Indo-Pacific?

Please join the Carnegie Endowment’s American Statecraft Program Senior Fellow Jennifer Kavanagh for the next installment of the Pivotal States Series and a discussion of Washington’s strategic alternatives in its relations with Vietnam with former ambassador Ted Osius and Huong Le Thu.

For past episodes from our series, click here.

event speakers

Ted Osius

Former ambassador Ted Osius is President & CEO of the US-ASEAN Business Council. A diplomat for thirty years, Ambassador Osius served from 2014 to 2017 as U.S. ambassador to Vietnam.

Huong Le Thu

Huong Le Thu is the Deputy Director of the Asia Program at the International Crisis Group.

Jennifer Kavanagh

Senior Fellow, American Statecraft Program

Jennifer Kavanagh was a senior fellow in the American Statecraft Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.