
India Tech Tracker - November-December 2023

National, regional, and global tech-related developments of significance to India from November - December 2023.

Published on January 16, 2024

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Innovation Updates

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) carried out a successful trial of the Autonomous Flying Wing Technology Demonstrator in Karnataka’s Chitradurga. Following its maiden flight in July 2022, this unmanned aerial vehicle went through subsequent flight trials in several developmental configurations. The aircraft’s latest flight in the tailless configuration has made India a part of the elite group of countries that have made advancements in flying wing technology. India established this achievement through the development of robust aerodynamic and control systems and a state-of-the-art ground control station. The aircraft’s unique capability to land autonomously without the need for ground radars has enabled landing and takeoff from any runway with surveyed coordinates.
In response to the European Union’s (EU) latest tech-related rules, Alphabet’s Google, Meta Platforms, Qualcomm, and seven other tech firms have come together to form the Coalition for Open Digital Ecosystems. Among other goals, the coalition aims to open digital ecosystems through collaboration between various industries and promote connectivity and interoperability. The group is expected to collaborate with multiple stakeholders, such as academics, policymakers, and companies. The idea is to promote more open platforms and boost innovation in Europe, both through the Digital Markets Act as well as future regulations.
LandSpace Technology, a Chinese private space technology start-up based in China, launched three satellites into orbit. The Zhuque-2 Y-3 mission is a follow-up to the Zhuque-2 rocket, which was launched in July last year without satellites. The launch vehicle was powered by a mixture of methane and liquid oxygen, making it commercially viable to reuse rockets. As per a statement, the company sees both feats as proof that Zhuque-2 can be used for commercial launches. Methane-powered space exploration will pave the way to cleaner, more cost-efficient commercial liftoffs. To prepare for the growing commercial competition in space, several small Chinese start-ups have also lined up their launches.
IBM brought quantum-centric supercomputing to reality with the launch of “Condor,” a quantum chip that has over 1,000 qubits arranged in a honeycomb pattern. This heralds a shift from classical computers, which relied on ones and zeros. Alongside Condor, IBM also launched the new Heron chip, which is characterized by record low-error rates and is also powering the company’s first modular quantum computer. Named Quantum System Two, this computer is situated in New York and operates in near-perfect vacuum conditions at temperatures well below those found in deep space. As per its quantum roadmap, IBM’s new emphasis will be “making its machines more error-resistant.”
Meta has expressed its support for a research project assessing the usability of large language models in building public solutions to make India’s consumer grievance redressal system more efficient. The project will be jointly undertaken by the National Law School of India University (NLSIU) and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), with the Department of Consumer Affairs as the knowledge partner. The project attempts to create a corpus of Indian legal resources that could be used to train Meta’s Llama model. The aim is to build a chatbot to guide consumers on the procedural aspects of filing a complaint. According to a representative from Meta, as more start-ups and researchers use technology to build AI tools, more use cases and safe deployment models will be discovered.

Regulatory Updates

Citing national security concerns posed by Chinese-origin chips, the U.S. Department of Commerce plans to launch a survey of the U.S. semiconductor supply chain and national defense industrial base. This move comes amid growing trade animosity between the two countries. The survey will be focused on the use and sourcing of Chinese-manufactured legacy chips in the supply chains of critical U.S. industries. A previous report issued by the department highlights that Beijing has granted an estimated $150 billion in subsidies to the Chinese semiconductor industry, thereby creating “an unlevel global playing field for the U.S. and other foreign competitors.”
The European Parliament and the council presidency agreed on the final version of the “EU AI Act,” a flagship legal framework for artificial intelligence (AI) deployment. The provisional agreement seeks to ensure that EU markets are safe from the likelihood of AI violating fundamental rights. The legislation categorizes AI systems between “high risk” and “limited risk” and imposes different levels of obligation. However, the act leaves out systems used entirely for defense, research and innovation, and nonprofessional purposes. Provisions for penalties in the act are similar to those in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Technical refinements are yet to be incorporated into the agreement, and the provision is set to come into force two years from now.
India’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting introduced the draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023, aiming to update regulations for all broadcast modes, including digital cable TV, over-the-top (OTT) content, and digital news. Replacing the 1995 Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, the bill broadens the definition of broadcasting to include OTT platforms, introduces a program and advertising code, and mandates the self-classification of programs with access control for restricted content. The proposed three-tiered regulatory structure involves self-regulation by broadcasters, oversight by self-regulatory organizations, and a Broadcast Advisory Council for appeals and recommendations. The bill grants the government powers for inspection, penalties as per the financial capacity of the entity, and imprisonment in cases of serious offenses or non-compliance. The deadline for accepting public comments on the draft legislation has been extended to January 15, 2024.
The UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) First Committee passed a historic resolution on autonomous weapons, emphasizing the pressing need for global attention to their challenges on November 1, 2023. Introduced by Austria and co-sponsored by forty-three states, resolution L.56 was passed with 164 votes in favor, five against, and eight abstentions. It acknowledged concerns about the humanitarian, legal, security, technological, and ethical implications of autonomous weapons. It also requested that the UN secretary general prepare a report reflecting the views of member states and other stakeholders, paving the way for discussions on lethal autonomous weapons systems at the next UNGA. This marks a significant development after a decade of international deliberations and aligns with the call for new international laws on autonomous weapons made by the UN secretary general and the International Committee of the Red Cross in October 2023.

Technology and International Affairs

MINT | DECEMBER 13, 2023
The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) Summit announced the adoption of the New Delhi AI Declaration, which saw member nations agree to collaboratively develop AI applications in healthcare and agriculture. Members also agreed to include the needs of the Global South in the development of AI. The declaration also agreed on leveraging the GPAI platform to create a global framework on AI trust and safety to make AI solutions available for all. India also offered to host a GPAI Global Governance Summit to finalize the AI framework. The delegations at GPAI emphasized the platform’s focus on inclusivity and access with regard to AI solutions.
MINT | NOVEMBER 24, 2023
India and the EU signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on semiconductors as part of the EU-India Trade and Technology Council (TTC). It aims to enhance the resilience of semiconductor value chains in the two jurisdictions. The MoU covers cooperation in areas like research and innovation, talent development, partnerships, and the exchange of market information. Established in April 2022, the TTC focuses on collaboration in various fields, including semiconductors, high-performance computing, digital public infrastructures, clean energy technologies, supply chain resilience, and trade issues.
India’s Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), in collaboration with Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, launched the Rapid Innovation and Start-up Expansion (RISE) Accelerator. This initiative aims to foster collaboration between Indian and Australian start-ups and SMEs specializing in circular economy technologies. It reflects the strengthened diplomatic ties between the two nations, fostering a dynamic platform for cross-border partnerships. Envisioned as a multi-year bilateral initiative, the India Australia RISE Accelerator seeks to address shared global challenges, particularly in environmental and climate technology, by encouraging start-ups to develop innovative solutions.
Under the framework of the India-U.S. Commercial Dialogue, the two countries signed an MoU titled “Enhancing Innovation Ecosystems Through an Innovation Handshake” on November 14, 2023, in San Francisco. The primary objective of the MoU is to foster connections between the start-up ecosystems of both countries, address specific regulatory challenges to cooperation, share information and best practices related to start-up fundraising, and promote innovation and job growth, especially in the critical and emerging technologies identified under the India-U.S. Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET). The announcement set the stage for two upcoming innovation handshake events scheduled in India and the United States in early 2024. The plan for these events includes an investment forum aimed at assisting American and Indian start-up companies in bringing their innovative ideas and products to market. It also includes a hackathon in Silicon Valley, where start-ups from both countries will present ideas and technologies to address global economic challenges.
The Bletchley Declaration, a landmark agreement addressing the profound risks associated with frontier AI, was adopted by the twenty-nine nation-states in attendance at the AI Safety Summit. Participating nations made a commitment to foster scientific research networks for frontier AI safety, building on the UK’s establishment of the world’s first AI Safety Institute. The Republic of Korea pledged to co-host a virtual summit on AI, promoting international cooperation. The declaration underscored the responsibility of developers to ensure AI safety, urging rigorous testing and safeguards. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak hailed the global collaboration of over twenty-five countries, marking a crucial step in securing the future.

Next 30 Days

Themed “Gateway to the Future,” the tenth iteration of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit (VGGS) is scheduled from January 10 to 12 in Gandhinagar. An official release by the state government stated that as many as twenty-eight countries, including Australia, Germany, Japan, Singapore, the UAE, and the UK, and fourteen partner organizations would join the summit. The partner organizations include the American Chamber of Commerce in India, EPIC India-University of Chicago, the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, the Indo-African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the International Solar Alliance, the Japan External Trade Organization, and the Korea Trade and Investment Agency, among others. The VGGS 2024 would attract investments with a focus on emerging sectors like semiconductors, green hydrogen, e-mobility, renewable energy, and fintech.
The ninth edition of the India International Science Festival (IISF) is scheduled to take place in Faridabad, Haryana, from January 17 to 20, 2024. Themed “Science and Technology Public Outreach in Amrit Kaal,” IISF 2023 aims to serve as a platform for inspiring a diverse audience, including students, educators, scientists, researchers, industry professionals, entrepreneurs, and science communicators. Across seventeen themes, IISF 2023 will present scientific achievements for the benefit of participants and the public. Dr. Jitendra Singh, India’s union minister of state for science and technology, highlighted that the festival will celebrate success stories that have global implications. Additionally, he noted that India is aligned with major global scientific breakthroughs, as exemplified by the National Quantum Mission’s collaboration with an elite league of six other countries. Lastly, he emphasized India's role in setting a global example when it comes to showcasing how scientific research is integral to development.
The fifty-fourth annual meeting of the World Economic Forum will take place from January 15 to 19 at Davos. Around 2,800 leaders are expected to participate from across the globe, while nearly sixty heads of state are slated to attend the five-day meeting. Ahead of the meeting, around ninety national security advisors will also convene in the city on January 14, presumably to discuss a peace plan for Ukraine. The discussion this year will be on the following four broad themes: security in a fractured world, growth and jobs in a new era, artificial intelligence as a driving force for the economy, and the climate and energy strategy. The Indian delegation at Davos this year will include Union Ministers Smriti Irani, Ashwini Vaishnaw, and Hardeep Singh Puri, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das, and the chief ministers of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Telangana. Other delegates will include ministers from various state governments and CEOs.