about the center

Carnegie India, founded in 2016 and based in New Delhi, is part of a robust global network that includes over 200 scholars. The center focuses primarily on three interrelated topics: technology and society, political economy, and security studies. Led by Indian experts with decades of policy experience, Carnegie India engages with governments, policymakers, academics, students, industries, practitioners, and civil society to provide insightful and fresh analysis on India’s pressing challenges and its rising global role.

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Our Programs

Our scholars engage with governments, policymakers, academics, students, industries, practitioners, and civil society to provide insightful and fresh analysis on India’s pressing challenges and its rising global role.

Our Programs

Our scholars engage with governments, policymakers, academics, students, industries, practitioners, and civil society to provide insightful and fresh analysis on India’s pressing challenges and its rising global role.


Political Economy

This program studies contemporary developments in India’s political economy, with a view towards understanding and informing India’s developmental choices. Scholars in the program analyze economic and regulatory policies, design and working of public institutions, interfaces between politics and the economy, and performance of key sectors of the economy such as finance and land.


Political Economy

This program studies contemporary developments in India’s political economy, with a view towards understanding and informing India’s developmental choices. Scholars in the program analyze economic and regulatory policies, design and working of public institutions, interfaces between politics and the economy, and performance of key sectors of the economy such as finance and land.


Security Studies

The Security Studies Program analyzes issues concerning India’s foreign and defense policies with a special emphasis on India’s relationship with China. It also traces developments along India’s border with Pakistan and China as well as the strategic transformation of the Indo-Pacific region.


Security Studies

The Security Studies Program analyzes issues concerning India’s foreign and defense policies with a special emphasis on India’s relationship with China. It also traces developments along India’s border with Pakistan and China as well as the strategic transformation of the Indo-Pacific region.


Technology and Society

This program addresses five key areas: data governance and privacy; strategic technologies including semiconductors and defense; emerging technologies like AI and biosafety; digital public infrastructure with a focus on rapid development and inter-state dialogue; and strategic partnerships such as the India-U.S. Initiative on Critical & Emerging Technology and the EU-India Trade and Technology Council.


Technology and Society

This program addresses five key areas: data governance and privacy; strategic technologies including semiconductors and defense; emerging technologies like AI and biosafety; digital public infrastructure with a focus on rapid development and inter-state dialogue; and strategic partnerships such as the India-U.S. Initiative on Critical & Emerging Technology and the EU-India Trade and Technology Council.

We provide unbiased analysis to decisionmakers

Our scholars generate strategic ideas and independent analysis to help inform countries, institutions, and leaders as they take on the most difficult global problems.

See our research

Global Technology Summit

The Global Technology Summit—Carnegie India’s annual flagship event, co-hosted with the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India—brings together industry experts, policymakers, scientists, and other stakeholders from all over the world to deliberate on the changing nature of technology and geopolitics.

Interpreting India

Voices from India and around the globe to unpack how technology, the economy, and foreign policy impact India’s relationship with the world.

In the Media

Carnegie India’s scholars actively engage in policy discussions across various platforms to provide new perspectives on contemporary global issues.

In the Media

Carnegie India’s scholars actively engage in policy discussions across various platforms to provide new perspectives on contemporary global issues.

In The Media
in the media
Needed: An Underwater PM Gati Shakti

The oceans harbor vast untapped economic potential worth trillions of dollars, yet much of it remains undiscovered. In this article, Ajay Kumar advocates for an underwater PM Gatishakti initiative to harness India's #blueeconomy and enhance underwater domain awareness, essential for economic growth and innovation in marine industries.

Business Standard
In The Media
in the media
Managing Competition in a Digital World

The internet governance model offers an alternative model to address the challenges posed by a network economy.

Business Standard
In The Media
in the media
Why Does Gaganyaan Crew Have No Women? History Shows India Has No Excuses

Was it necessary for the Gaganyaan astronaut selection process to be so conservative, given the liberal precedent?

In The Media
in the media
A Deep Threat to Election Integrity

Deepfakes pose a daunting challenge for India and, if not tackled, they could undermine the 2024 elections.

Business Standard

We host events to unpack the most difficult global challenges

Carnegie’s regular series of global public events, both virtual and in person, bring together top experts to discuss and debate pressing threats to global security and provide solutions.

Geopolitics Today: The State of the World
March 21, 2024
  • +2
How Do Zoning Regulations Affect Housing Affordability in India?
March 20, 2024
  • Sahil Gandhi
  • Jagan Shah