Andrzej Turkowski

All work from Andrzej Turkowski

4 Results
In the Media
Russia’s Accession to the World Trade Organization

Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization remains a controversial issue in the country. It will not necessarily bring an end to trade disputes with the EU, but is likely to advance the establishment of a free trade zone and the signing of a new cooperation agreement.

  • Jarosław Ćwiek-Karpowicz
  • Andrzej Turkowski
· July 6, 2012
The Polish Institute of International Affairs' Bulletin
The Polish-German Tandem

The Polish-German joint letter calling on the EU to revamp its policy on Russia is a milestone in the two countries’ common policy toward Moscow. If this cooperation lasts, it could reshape politics both within the EU as well with its Eastern neighbors.

  • Andrzej Turkowski
· November 17, 2011
Poland’s EU Presidency in the Shadow of Eurozone Crisis

Poland, a non-eurozone member holding the rotating EU presidency for the first time, faces difficulty pushing ahead its agenda because of the eurozone crisis. The crisis also risks diminishing the successes the Polish presidency has achieved thus far.

  • Andrzej Turkowski
· October 31, 2011
Ruling Civic Platform Wins Parliamentary Elections in Poland

Poland’s relatively successful foreign policy contributed to the popularity of the ruling Civic Platform party and helped it win the country’s parliamentary elections. Given these election results, the Polish foreign policy is not likely to change.

  • Andrzej Turkowski
· October 10, 2011