Eduardo Zepeda
Senior Associate, Trade, Equity and Development Program


Eduardo Zepeda is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Eduardo Zepeda is inter-regional policy coordinator of the Development Policy and Analysis Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations General Secretariat. He was previously a senior associate in the Trade, Equity, and Development Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where his research focused on employment, poverty, and development policy.

Prior to joining the Endowment, Zepeda was senior researcher at the International Poverty Centre of UNDP in Brasilia, Brazil, taught at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco in Mexico City, and served as the economic and social policy coordinator in the Analysis Unit of the Chief of Staff in the Office of the President in Mexico. He was also a visiting fellow at the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies at the University of California at San Diego.

Selected Publications: Growth, Poverty and Employment in Brazil, Chile and Mexico , with Diana Alarcón, Fábio Veras Soares, and Rafael Guerreiro Osório (UNDP International Poverty Centre Working Paper #42, December 2007); Addressing the Employment-Poverty Nexus in Kenya: Comparing Cash-Transfer and Job-Creation Programmes (UNDP International Poverty Centre Working Paper #40, October 2007); The Maquiladora Export Industry: Assembling, Manufacturing and Economic Development, with Kevin Middlebrook (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2006); Confronting Development: Assessing Mexico's Economic and Social Policy Challenges, co-edited with Kevin Middlebrook (Stanford University Press and UCSD Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, 2003).

Ph.D., University of California at Riverside
English, Portuguese, Spanish

All work from Eduardo Zepeda

22 Results
Employing India’s Rural Poor
March 18, 2013

India enacted the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in 2005 to implement an ambitious, demand-driven employment-creation program through projects that improve agricultural productivity and alleviate land degradation.

Employing India: Guaranteeing Jobs for the Rural Poor

Eight years after its introduction, India's landmark rural employment guarantee program has made big strides in the right direction, but structural and institutional problems are keeping it from fully realizing its potential.

  • +2
· February 11, 2013
Partnering with Africa: U.S. and India's Perspectives
June 16, 2010

Foreign investors interested in Africa are facing similar risks and opportunities to those they faced when investing in India. By partnering on investment and business activities, the United States and India can help Africa get the necessary resources to spur economic development.

  • +8
  • George Perkovich
  • Eduardo Zepeda
  • Meera Shankar
  • Suresh Kumar
  • Amina Ali
  • Donald Yamamoto
  • Stephen Hayes
  • David Good
  • Ray Johnson
  • Amit Mitra
  • Rajan Mittal
Can Capital Controls Help Developing Countries Cope with Global Financial Instability?
May 4, 2010

The global financial crisis calls for new thinking on the role that capital controls can play to reduce vulnerability to financial shocks and economic downturns.

  • +1
Do the Millennium Development Goals Miss the Point in Africa?
April 1, 2010

The financial crisis, climate change, political and social instability, and persistent inequality have worsened the odds that Africa—and others in the developing world—will meet the Millennium Development Goals.

  • +1
Will the U.S.–Colombia Free Trade Agreement Help Colombia's Small Farmers?
March 10, 2010

The proposed U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement could potentially have adverse effects on Colombia’s economy and stability, and particularly on small farmers, who have already been disproportionately affected by Colombia’s internal conflict.

  • +2
  • Eduardo Zepeda
  • Stephanie Burgos
  • Luis Garay
  • Fernando Barberi
  • Michael Shifter
The Future of North American Trade Policy: Lessons From NAFTA
December 9, 2009

There is widespread agreement that NAFTA has fallen short of its stated goals. Mexico’s experience under NAFTA shows that the U.S. trade agreements must include robust funding for development and avoid restrictions on government policies proven to promote dynamic development.

  • +1
Rethinking Trade Policy for Development: Lessons From Mexico Under NAFTA

Mexico’s disappointing experience with NAFTA underscores the need to reform trade agreements between the United States and developing countries.

· December 7, 2009
The Impact of the Doha Round on Kenya
November 12, 2009

The ongoing Doha Round of trade negotiations could improve Kenya’s competitive position in processed food and agriculture, but long-term development requires the strengthening of other economic sectors.

The Impact of the Doha Round on Kenya

The ongoing Doha Round of trade negotiations could improve Kenya’s competitive position in processed food and agriculture, but long-term development requires the strengthening of other economic sectors.

  • +3
  • Eduardo Zepeda
  • Mohamed Chemingui
  • Hedi Bchir
  • Stephen Karingi
  • Christopher Onyango
  • Bernadette Wanjala
· November 4, 2009