Marc Pierini
Senior Fellow, Carnegie Europe


Marc Pierini is a senior fellow at Carnegie Europe, where his research focuses on developments in the Middle East and Turkey from a European perspective.

Pierini was a career EU diplomat from December 1976 to April 2012. He was EU ambassador and head of delegation to Turkey (2006–2011) and ambassador to Tunisia and Libya (2002–2006), Syria (1998–2002), and Morocco (1991–1995). He also served as the first coordinator for the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, or the Barcelona Process, from 1995 to 1998 and was the main negotiator for the release of the Bulgarian hostages from Libya from 2004 to 2007.

Pierini served as counselor in the cabinet of two European commissioners: Claude Cheysson, from 1979 to 1981, and Abel Matutes, from 1989 to 1991. He has published three essays in French: “Le prix de la liberté,” “Télégrammes diplomatiques,” and “Où va la Turquie?.”

Pierini is a member of the International Council of the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations in Marseille.

MA, Economic Sciences, University of Aix en Provence 
English, French, Italian

All work from Marc Pierini

316 Results
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Turkey’s Dwindling International Role

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Russia Could Push Turkey Into Lasting Political and Military Antagonism With the Rest of NATO

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Why the West Should Watch Turkey’s Local Elections

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· March 26, 2024
Will 2024 Be Turkey’s Turning Point?

Marc Pierini and Sinan Ülgen analyze the lead-up to the Turkish municipal elections in March 2024, the sustainability of Ankara’s balancing act between Russia and the West, and the future of Turkey’s relations with Brussels and Washington.

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Adapting to a Multipolar World

In the more complicated global order emerging today, the Middle East and Europe have to think in strategic terms.

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The Gaza War and the Rest of the World

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