Mikhail Minakov


Mikhail Minakov is a head of Ukraine research program at Kennan Institute.

All work from Mikhail Minakov

11 Results
Making Sense of Ukraine’s Complicated, Highly Competitive Presidential Campaign

Ukraine is going to the polls amid stalled reforms, multiple corruption scandals, and low trust in political institutions. Despite this, more than 80 percent of voters plan to take part, and the election is truly competitive. And although one candidate is leading in the polls, top political operatives are predicting a different outcome.

· March 28, 2019
Three Dimensions: What Does Trump Victory Mean for Ukraine?

Following Donald Trump’s victory, Carnegie.ru asked three experts, one in Russia, one in Ukraine, and one in the United States, to comment on the question: “What impact will Trump’s victory have on Ukraine?”

The Consolidation of Power in Ukraine: What It Means for the West

Maintaining pressure on Kyiv to deliver meaningful reforms while convincing the Kremlin to engage seriously in diplomacy is the challenge for Western policymakers.

· September 19, 2016
Whither Ukrainian Reform? Assessing the Implications of the Government Shake-up for Kyiv’s Reform Agenda
April 29, 2016

The severe political crisis in Kyiv has raised fundamental questions in recent weeks about the fate of Ukrainian reform.

Ukraine’s Hybrid State

Ukraine has new institutions and a vibrant civil society, but a culture of corruption erodes state legitimacy. The state has been captured by enemies within.

Ukraine From Revolution of Dignity to Government of Shame

The resignation of Ukraine’s prime minister will make constitutional reform in the country impossible and will delay reforms in many other areas.

· April 11, 2016
A Decisive Turn? Risks for Ukrainian Democracy After the Euromaidan

Ukraine is trying, once again, to become a functioning democracy. Yet the war in Donbas, the slow pace of reforms, and the economic crisis are all impeding democratic consolidation.

· February 3, 2016
Reforming Ukraine: The EU, Ukraine’s Constitution, and Democratic Reform
December 8, 2015

Ukraine faces monumental challenges as it strives to build a transparent and accountable system of governance. How can the EU support the country’s constitutional reform and democratic institution building?

Should the EU Support Non-Western Democracy?
December 7, 2015

Calls for different forms of democracy are becoming more prominent and widespread. Yet, it remains unclear what such models should look like.

Letter From Kiev

There is a serious mismatch between the goals and instruments of the EU’s policy toward Ukraine. The EU seems to be missing the point in its relations with Kiev.

· November 6, 2015