
Sullivan on the G20 Summit and the Future of U.S. Leadership

Published on July 6, 2017

Heads of state from the G20 countries assemble this weekend for their international summit, and all eyes are on U.S. President Trump. So far his track record overseas has been one of sparring and tension, following the withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement and the ill-humored G7 and NATO meetings earlier this year. However, on his first stop of this trip in Poland he gave a more supportive speech and endorsed the idea of NATO’s article five. So where does all this leave the United States in terms of global leadership? Tom is joined by Carnegie Senior Fellow Jake Sullivan, former adviser to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, to discuss the G20 summit and the future of U.S. leadership.

Jake Sullivan served in the Obama administration as national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden and director of policy planning at the U.S. Department of State, as well as deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Sullivan is a senior fellow in Carnegie’s Geoeconomics and Strategy Program and a Martin R. Flug Visiting lecturer in law at Yale Law School.​