China’s Influence in South Asia: Lessons from Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka
November 25, 2021

Carnegie India hosted Deep Pal, a visiting scholar in the Asia Program at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, for a closed-door roundtable on the drivers, manifestations, and impacts of China’s relationships with four South Asian countries: Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. This was followed by a discussion moderated by Rudra Chaudhuri.

South Asia’s Battle With the Coronavirus

In South Asia, the coronavirus pandemic is at once a public health crisis, an economic crisis, and a humanitarian crisis.

· May 21, 2020
In The Media
in the media
The Geopolitics of the Bangladesh War

The Bangladesh crisis makes clear that no subcontinental crisis is ever just a subcontinental affair. There will invariably be wider geopolitical forces which will impinge on the way that the subcontinent acts.

· March 25, 2019
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Raja Mandala: The Centre Moves East

The economic advancement of Bangladesh helps lift up the whole of the eastern Subcontinent, including India’s Northeast as well as Bhutan and Nepal.

· January 8, 2019
Indian Express
Reactivating a Legacy of Integration Through BIMSTEC

While trade liberalization and transportation infrastructure should remain BIMSTEC’s key priorities, the Bay of Bengal will not re-emerge as a regional space unless there are significant investments to foster people to people exchanges.

· March 1, 2018
In the Media
India Aims to Woo Bangladesh Away From China

India is focused on making Bangladesh a centerpiece of its Act East policy.

· April 7, 2017
Deutsche Welle