Western Europe
In the Media
A New Pact With Delhi

In order to sustain the present momentum in EU-India ties, both sides will have to make an extra effort to convert converging interests into concrete cooperation.

· June 28, 2018
Berlin Policy Journal
In the Media
India and France Deepen Middle Power Maritime Partnership

The India–France partnership could form the model for burden-sharing between India and its Western friends.

· April 21, 2018
East Asia Forum
In the Media
Raja Mandala: Nordic Cool

An India that is less inhibited about trade liberalization and more open to commercial, technological, and civil society partnerships will find Nordic countries ready to accelerate its internal modernization and international rise.

· April 17, 2018
Indian Express
In the Media
France: India’s New Russia?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Emmanuel Macron are well-placed to turn India and France into long-term partners in shaping the geopolitics of Eurasia and the Indo-Pacific.

· March 9, 2018
Indian Express
In the Media
Raja Mandala: New Ripples in the Oceans

Looking beyond the traditional areas of high-technology and defence cooperation, and the more recent focus on global mitigation of climate change, New Delhi and Paris appear ready to lend a strong regional dimension to their strategic partnership.

· November 21, 2017
Indian Express
In the Media
Raja Mandala: Commonwealth in the Time of Brexit

As India hosts Charles, the Prince of Wales, New Delhi and London have an opportunity to think afresh about the future of the Commonwealth.

· November 7, 2017
Indian Express