The Army in Indian Military Strategy: Rethink Doctrine or Risk Irrelevance

The Indian Army’s prevailing doctrine leaves the military with two main choices: do nothing or risk wars it cannot win. The Indian Army needs to rethink its use of force to meet today’s new challenges.

  • Arzan Tarapore
· August 10, 2020
In the Media
Raja Mandala: Privatising the Afghan War

While the outrage against outsourcing the Afghan war is real, the tragic reality is that the growing role of private armies is very much part of the modern hybrid wars.

· August 28, 2018
Indian Express
In the Media
Russian Defense Deal Could Put India in Path of U.S. Sanctions

India may soon close a deal with Russia to purchase two S-400 air defense systems, thereby triggering secondary sanctions from the United States. Without Congressional action, the U.S.-India defense relationship will likely suffer.

· March 28, 2018
In the Media
How AI Can Help the Indian Armed Forces

The controversies surrounding autonomous weapons must not obscure the fact that like most technologies, AI has a number of non-lethal uses for militaries across the world, and especially for the Indian military.

· March 5, 2018
Removing Barriers to U.S.-India Defense Trade

The United States and India are on the cusp of translating a shared vision for the Indo-Pacific into tangible cooperation. Defense trade could prove an important catalyst.

· January 10, 2018
In the Media
Raja Mandala: General Bajwa in His Labyrinth

In the face of unexpected and significant pressure from the United States to deliver some top militants of the Taliban and the Haqqani Network, the generals in Rawalpindi are locked in a serious debate.

· January 9, 2018
Indian Express