In the Media
Raja Mandala: Breaking the Radcliffe Barrier

If China returned to genuine neutrality on the Kashmir question between India and Pakistan, it could make it a lot easier for New Delhi to set aside its sovereignty argument on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

· August 14, 2018
Indian Express
In the Media
How Donald Trump Cast His Shadow on the Modi-Xi Meet in Wuhan

As Beijing begins to recognize the potential dangers to China from U.S. President Trump’s policies on trade and security, President Xi has turned on the charm offensive towards its Asian neighbors.

· May 1, 2018
Indian Express
In the Media
Raja Mandala: Nordic Cool

An India that is less inhibited about trade liberalization and more open to commercial, technological, and civil society partnerships will find Nordic countries ready to accelerate its internal modernization and international rise.

· April 17, 2018
Indian Express
Removing Barriers to U.S.-India Defense Trade

The United States and India are on the cusp of translating a shared vision for the Indo-Pacific into tangible cooperation. Defense trade could prove an important catalyst.

· January 10, 2018
In The Media
in the media
The Confluence of Two Seas

The Indian, Japanese, and U.S. effort to connect the Pacific and Indian Oceans could be an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative and enhance the bargaining power of small countries vis-a-vis Beijing.

· October 26, 2017
In the Media
Beyond Business as Usual: On India and the EU

To counter the rise of isolationist, unilateral, and authoritarian forces, India and the Europe must strengthen their relationship beyond mere economic and transactional arrangements.

· October 6, 2017