China Through a SEA Lens

A Q&A series where we ask scholars from Southeast Asia for their insights on China’s influence and relations with the region. 

Southeast Asia
New Leader, New Approach to China?

Over the past three years, Southeast Asia has witnessed a series of important leadership transitions. How will these new leaders approach China and how will they differ from their predecessors?

  • Lak Chansok
  • +4
· May 23, 2024
How Has China’s Belt and Road Initiative Impacted Southeast Asian Countries?

Scholars from eight Southeast Asian countries provide their takes on the impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in their countries for the past decade.

  • +5
  • Pongphisoot Busbarat
  • Alvin Camba
  • Fadhila Inas Pratiwi
  • Sovinda Po
  • Hoàng Đỗ
  • Bouadam Sengkhamkhoutlavong
  • Tham Siew Yean
  • Moe Thuzar
· December 5, 2023
Has Xi’s Diplomacy been Effective in Southeast Asia?

Scholars from seven Southeast Asian countries share their takes on China’s regional engagement.

  • +4
  • Chong Ja Ian
  • Enrico V. Gloria
  • Nur Shahadah Binti Jamil
  • Pou Sothirak
  • Chanintira na Thalang
  • Christine Susanna Tjhin
  • Bich Tran
· April 6, 2023