Carnegie China Research

Recent Articles & Papers
Biopharmaceuticals Rising: China’s Strategic Pivot to Southeast Asia Amid Great Power Tech Competition

As tech competition moves into the biotech sector, China is increasingly shifting its focus to nearby regions to alleviate U.S.-induced supply chain pressures. As part of this transition, Southeast Asia has emerged as a favored destination.

China Through a Southeast Asian Lens

Because strategic, economic, and ideological perceptions of China contain multiple, sometimes contradictory facets in Southeast Asia, receptions of and responses to Beijing diverge across and within state lines.

Northeast Asia Is for Deterrence and Southeast Asia Is (Mostly) for Freeriding: Appreciating Divergent East Asian Approaches to Order, Uncertainty, and Contestation

Most Southeast Asian states behave as if the actions of their Northeast Asian neighbors and the Philippines will be sufficient to maintain a regional status quo from which they can benefit.