
Overcoming the U.S.-India Divide

Thu. February 5th, 2015
Washington, DC

President Barack Obama’s visit to India for Republic Day on January 26 carries the hope that Washington and New Delhi will establish a firm foundation for cooperation. Carnegie was pleased to host Nisha Biswal, assistant secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs, who provided her perspective after the trip and discussed prospects for strengthening U.S.-India relations. 

Assistant Secretary Biswal’s address was followed by a panel discussion on a new report authored by Ashley J. Tellis, “Unity in Difference: Overcoming the U.S.-India Divide,” in which he lays out a complementary policy approach in Washington and New Delhi that would address the challenges of building a sustainable U.S.-India strategic partnership. Swaminathan Aiyar and Daniel Markey joined as discussants, and Carnegie’s George Perkovich moderated.

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is grateful for the support of the Indian Council on Cultural Relations in making this event possible.

Nisha Biswal

Nisha Biswal has served as assistant secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs since 2013. Previously, Ms. Biswal served as assistant administrator for Asia at USAID, overseeing assistance to 22 countries from Central Asia to the Pacific Islands.

Swaminathan Aiyar

Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar is a research fellow at the Cato Institute with a special focus on India and Asia. His research interests include economic change in developing countries, human rights and civil strife, political economy, energy, trade, and industry.

Daniel Markey

Daniel Markey is senior research professor in International Relations and academic director of the Global Policy Program at John Hopkins SAIS.  He previously served as senior fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations.

George Perkovich 

George Perkovich is vice president for studies and director of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Ashley J. Tellis

Ashley J. Tellis is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace specializing in international security, defense, and Asian strategic issues.

event speakers

Nisha Biswal

Swaminathan Aiyar

Daniel Markey

Daniel Markey is the author of China’s Western Horizon: Beijing and the New Geopolitics of Eurasia (Oxford University Press, 2020). He is also a senior research professor in international relations and the academic director of the Master of Arts in Global Policy program at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

George Perkovich

Japan Chair for a World Without Nuclear Weapons, Vice President for Studies

George Perkovich is the Japan chair for a world without nuclear weapons and vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, overseeing the Nuclear Policy Program and the Technology and International Affairs Program. He works primarily on nuclear strategy and nonproliferation issues, and security dilemmas among the United States, its allies, and their nuclear-armed adversaries. 

Ashley J. Tellis

Tata Chair for Strategic Affairs

Ashley J. Tellis is the Tata Chair for Strategic Affairs and a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, specializing in international security and U.S. foreign and defense policy with a special focus on Asia and the Indian subcontinent.