How to Reform the Middle East’s Security Architecture?

Tue. March 20th, 2018
Beirut, Lebanon

The Middle East is experiencing unprecedented political turmoil, violence, and state failure. It also suffers from a unique deficit in its peace and security architecture, even when compared to other fractious or unevenly developed regions. The Middle East gravely needs new ideas to advance regional security. While crisis and conflict have exacerbated threats and fears, they have also created opportunities for carefully crafted prescriptions and alternative security frameworks.

What are the possibilities for creating security architecture and institutions to facilitate cooperation and mitigate the risks of conflict escalation? The Century Foundation’s new volume, Order from Ashes: New Foundations for Security in the Middle East explores opportunities for regional security dialogue and other measures that could decrease tensions in the Middle East. The project was supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.


Mohanad Hage Ali is the director of communications at the Carnegie Middle East Center.

Thanassis Cambanis is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation.​

David Griffiths is an independent researcher and former Canadian naval officer.​

Dalia Dassa Kaye is the director of the Center for Middle East Public Policy and a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation.

event speakers

Mohanad Hage Ali

Deputy Director for Research, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center

Mohanad Hage Ali is the deputy director for research at the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center.

Thanassis Cambanis

is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation.

David Griffiths

Dalia Dassa Kaye

UCLA Berkeley

Dalia Dassa Kaye is senior fellow at UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations and the former director of the Center for Middle East Public Policy at the RAND Corporation.