Robin Lustig

All work from Robin Lustig

3 Results
What Should the Next American President Do About China?
October 4, 2012

BBC Radio’s Robin Lustig moderated a debate with Elizabeth Economy, Chas W. Freeman, Jr., J. Stapleton Roy, and Yan Xuetong on what the next American president should do about China.

  • +2
  • Yan Xuetong
  • Robin Lustig
  • Elizabeth Economy
  • Chas Freeman, Jr.
  • J. Stapleton Roy
China's Emerging Global Role
November 24, 2010

As China's global influence continues to grow, the country must work to strengthen its relations with its neighbors and balance its economy in a way that promotes domestic growth without increasing international tensions.

  • +2
  • Sun Zhe
  • John Holden
  • Geoff Dyer
  • Robin Lustig
  • Xie Tao
BBC Live at Carnegie: Obama’s Foreign Policy—One Year On
January 14, 2010

In a special live broadcast of the BBC’s prestigious The World Tonight, leading foreign policy experts assess President Obama's first year in office and the chief challenges that lie ahead: strengthening the nonproliferation regime, climate change, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Iran, and Afghanistan.

  • +3