The Genesis of the Islamic State Group

As the Islamic State continues to grow rapidly, questions are being raised about its origins.

by Mario Abou ZeidJuan Cole, and Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
published by
Al Jazeera Inside Story
 on September 13, 2014

Source: Al Jazeera Inside Story

The international alliance to fight the Islamic State group is gaining shape and momentum. The US secretary of state, John Kerry, met a number of Middle Eastern foreign ministers in Jeddah to discuss how best to deal with the group.

The Islamic State group's swift seizure of territory in Iraq and Syria was a shock to many countries in the region and beyond. The group is the successor to the Islamic State in Iraq. It has a seasoned military operation with a transnational membership, to which, despite heavy losses, it is constantly recruiting. With key leaders who were prominent in the Iraqi rebellion of the 2000s, it is also well-armed and financed.

On Inside Story a discussion on the root causes of the birth and emergence of the Islamic State group. 

Presenter: Hazem Sika
Mario Abou Zeid - political analyst with the Carnegie Middle East Center. 
Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi - fellow with the Middle East forum and specialist on rebel groups in Iraq and Syria.
Juan Cole - history professor with the University of Michagan and author of the book, The New Arabs: How the Millennial Generation is Changing the Middle East.  

This interview was originally broadcasted by Al Jazeera Inside Story

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