in the media

U.S. Vice President Begins Asia Tour After North Korean Missile Launch

U.S. Vice President Pence’s trip to Asia is intended to signal U.S. strength and resolve in the region.

published by
Australian Broadcasting Company
 on April 17, 2017

Source: Australian Broadcasting Company

Carnegie’s Douglas Paal spoke with the Australian Broadcasting Company about U.S. Vice President Pence’s visit to Asia. Paal explained that Pence’s trip to Asia is intended to signal U.S. commitment and resolve in the region. He noted that Pence’s visit to South Korea is taking place at a time of political transition in South Korea as well as increased tensions in the Korean Peninsula, and thus precisely the time for the United States to reaffirm its firm presence. As for the Trump administration’s North Korea policy, he added that the Trump administration has asked China to increase its pressure on North Korea and that China has done so through various means. He suggested that increased pressure from China effectively curbed North Korea’s sixth nuclear test. 

This interview was originally broadcast by Australia Broadcasting Company.

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