Political Economy Program
About the Project

Countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have long endured economic deficiencies, political corruption, and social grievances that ultimately led to the Arab Uprisings in 2011. Long-term structural challenges, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, have led to financial, political, and socio-economic crises of unprecedented gravity in the MENA region. These crises are exacerbated by the daunting prospects of stability and development and the lack of credible medium- to long-term visions for addressing the structural weaknesses of MENA economies. The Political Economy Program will analyze the different crises afflicting the region, examine the politics of austerity and inequality, and review the adjustment and transformation challenges many economies are facing. The program will also examine the geopolitical consequences of economic and financial crises and the increasing use of economic instruments, such as investments, trade, and energy, as regional policy tools.

All work from Political Economy Program

11 Results
The GCC’s Multipolar Pivot: From Shifting Trade Patterns to New Financial and Diplomatic Alliances

The Gulf Cooperation Council has shifted its energy export focus to Asia, particularly India and China. This is part of a broader shift as GCC members look to expand their geopolitical alliances away from the West.

  • Alexandre Kateb
· May 28, 2024
Economic Injustice is Anchoring Itself in the Arab World

The Middle East and North Africa is characterized by inequalities, and this will have profound consequences for economic growth, social cohesion, and, ultimately, political stability in the region.

· February 2, 2024
The Buildup to a Crisis: Current Tensions and Future Scenarios for Tunisia

Since 2011, Tunisia has been heading for a macroeconomic crisis—large deficits, shrinking fiscal space, and difficult negotiations with the IMF. In this election year, policymakers face high stakes: A hard economic adjustment risks sociopolitical crisis, but without correction, the country faces a future economic meltdown.

· January 23, 2024
Unveiling the Domestic and Geopolitical Consequences of Economic Failings in the MENA Region
January 16, 2024

The Middle East and North Africa have been hit by food, energy, and debt crises that have exacerbated structural economic weaknesses of low- and middle-incomes countries, particularly Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon.

  • +2
Misfortune to Marginalization: The Geopolitical Impact of Structural Economic Failings in Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon

The food, energy, and debt crises in the Middle East and North Africa have exacerbated structural economic weaknesses of low- and middle-income countries—particularly Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon—creating mounting pressure on domestic political orders and worsening these countries’ geopolitical marginalization.

· January 8, 2024
Thinking Beyond Debt and Austerity Ahead of Marrakech Meetings
October 4, 2023

To delve deeper into these crucial issues, the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center is organizing an event on October 4th, at 5:00 pm Beirut Time. This panel discussion will underscore the urgency of reevaluating debt frameworks to ensure social and environmental sustainability, navigating the intricate political economy of reforms to expand fiscal capacity and stimulate growth.

  • +1
  • Rym Ayadi
  • Ziad Bahaa El Din
  • Niranjan Sarangi
  • Yezid Sayigh
How Might Middle Eastern and North African Countries Affect the BRICS Group?
September 28, 2023

The inclusion of Middle Eastern and North African countries in the BRICS group raises several pivotal questions: To address these questions and others, the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center is organizing a policy webinar on September 28, at 5:00 PM EEST. The speakers will be Alexander Kateb and (TBC).

Reform or Recklessness? Which Path for the Arab Region?

States in the Middle East and North Africa can be divided into three categories, but all of them must adopt a holistic approach toward development in order to succeed.

· August 30, 2023
Breaking the Cycle: Toward a New Imaginary of the Food System in Lebanon

Lebanon's food crisis—the result of an unequal system that deprives local farmers of agency and neglects the environment—calls for the country to seek a new path toward food justice.

· July 3, 2023
The New Debt Crisis of the Middle East: Political Economy to the Rescue?

Financial crises are threatening the stability of Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon. Despite a rare alignment of elements conducive to change, reforming the economy will still be politically challenging.

  • Ishac Diwan
· June 13, 2023