What Is Behind China’s Growing Attention to Afghanistan?

In the past year, Beijing has become more diplomatically engaged with Afghanistan, raising the potential for China to play a helpful role in Afghanistan’s future economic and security prospects.

  • Zhao Huasheng
· March 8, 2015
In the Media
Chinese Takeaway: Beijing’s Afghan Role

As the American occupation of Afghanistan comes to an end, China is getting ready to play a significant role in a country that has seen many great powers bite the dust.

· December 17, 2014
Indian Express
A Russian Strategy for Afghanistan After the Coalition Troop Withdrawal

Russia should not treat the post-2014 situation in Afghanistan as a potential disaster for its security in the south. Nevertheless, the coalition withdrawal from Afghanistan will force Russia to take more responsibility for regional security.

  • +1
· May 22, 2014
South Asia’s Future
April 28, 2014

As the United States draws down its presence in Afghanistan, numerous questions remain about South Asia’s future and China’s role in the region.

From Enduring Rivalries to Enduring Peace: Enhancing Regional Stability in South Asia
March 13, 2014

South Asia faces an array of security challenges. The ongoing U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the continuing violence in Pakistan, and the region’s intense militarization are creating a heightened sense of instability and unease among South Asian states.

In the Media
If the U.S. and Russia Can’t Figure out Afghanistan, China Will

While NATO’s withdrawal from Afghanistan could have dangerous implications for the region, some measure of instability might benefit Russia, which could use it as evidence of the importance of Russia’s military and political presence in the Central Asia.

· December 10, 2013
Russia Direct