The Rise of Europe’s Antipopulists

Citizens across Europe are taking to the streets and the Internet to counter the Euroskeptic and anti-immigrant messages of far-right populists and nationalists.

  • Caroline de Gruyter
· April 25, 2017
How Donald Trump Could Save EU Foreign Policy

Rather than fall into despondency, Europeans should see the presidency of Donald Trump as a salutary shock. Finally there is real urgency for Europe to get its act together.

· January 12, 2017
China’s Belt and Road: Destination Europe

China’s One Belt, One Road project aims to allow Beijing to influence the rules governing the global economy. That is a challenge to which Europeans need to respond.

· November 9, 2016
In the Media
China-EU Relations: Crisis and Opportunity

Europe’s decision about whether to grant China market economy status is a major inflection point in China-EU relations.

· March 15, 2016
Keeping EU-Asia Reengagement on Track

Three years ago, the EU began to intensify its engagement with Asia. Now, the question is whether there is the political will to move this relationship to the next phase.

· January 13, 2015