Five Things to Know About Japan’s Possible Acquisition of Strike Capability

Will Japan finally move toward acquiring offensive strike capabilities for the first time since World War II?

· August 14, 2017
Three Ways the U.S. Can Prevent Kim Jong-Un’s Nuclear Missiles from Taking Off

Thoughtful and respectful leadership, close consultation with affected parties, and a commitment of real resources to assemble necessary leverage present a better chance than anything on offer so far.

· July 25, 2017
South China Morning Post
Chinese Views on the Trump Administration’s Asia Policy

Authoritative and non-authoritative Chinese commentaries on the Trump administration’s foreign policy have tended to avoid making hostile remarks in response to some notable U.S. provocations.

· June 1, 2017
China Leadership Monitor
Prognosticating Proliferation in Asia

With the July 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action diminishing the near-term prospect of an Iranian nuclear bomb, most proliferation prognosticators would likely pick South Korea, Japan, or perhaps Taiwan as the next place that could opt to develop nuclear weapons.

· March 10, 2017
Nonproliferation Review
In the Media
Was China Wishing for a Trump Victory?

Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the U.S. presidential election is a potential threat to China’s economic growth, but also an opportunity for Beijing to increase its influence over its neighbors.

· November 11, 2016
Financial Times