South Korea
In the Media
The United States Should Talk to North Korea

The risks of a military conflict with North Korea is growing day by day. Not talking has not slowed North Korea’s advance, and sanctions alone will not achieve the desired result.

· September 7, 2017
Foreign Policy
In the Media
Russia’s Putin Spurns U.S. on N. Korea Sanctions

While there is likely some truth to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s point that sanctions against North Korea would not be effective, nonetheless it is mostly a talking point.

· September 5, 2017
Three Ways the U.S. Can Prevent Kim Jong-Un’s Nuclear Missiles from Taking Off

Thoughtful and respectful leadership, close consultation with affected parties, and a commitment of real resources to assemble necessary leverage present a better chance than anything on offer so far.

· July 25, 2017
South China Morning Post
Chinese Views on the Trump Administration’s Asia Policy

Authoritative and non-authoritative Chinese commentaries on the Trump administration’s foreign policy have tended to avoid making hostile remarks in response to some notable U.S. provocations.

· June 1, 2017
China Leadership Monitor
Nuclear Weapons in the U.S.-China Security Relationship
April 28, 2017

Nuclear weapons and missile defense systems have become a point of contention in U.S.-China relations. How will Beijing respond to the perceived growing threat of U.S. nuclear deterrent capabilities?

  • Nancy W. Gallagher
  • Jonas Siegel
  • Tong Zhao
In the Media
U.S. Vice President Begins Asia Tour After North Korean Missile Launch

U.S. Vice President Pence’s trip to Asia is intended to signal U.S. strength and resolve in the region.

· April 17, 2017
Australian Broadcasting Company