Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia
New Leader, New Approach to China?

Over the past three years, Southeast Asia has witnessed a series of important leadership transitions. How will these new leaders approach China and how will they differ from their predecessors?

  • Lak Chansok
  • +4
· May 23, 2024
Prabowo’s Diplomatic Debut in China and Japan

Indonesia’s foreign policy will not fundamentally change except in one respect—it will have a more active president managing its foreign policy.

  • Rizal Sukma
· April 18, 2024
How Chinese Financing Shapes the Pacific

One reason Pacific Island countries continue to borrow from China is their huge demand for infrastructure.

· February 8, 2024
Carnegie Global Dialogue: China and the Pacific Islands
January 23, 2024

In recent years, Beijing has emerged as a key economic and security player for Pacific island nations. At the same time, Pacific island states face a multitude of challenges, from the impact of climate change to rising great power competition.

Southeast Asians Are Using China Engagement to Compel Greater U.S. Regional Involvement

Engaging with China and with the United States are not zero-sum choices for Southeast Asia, but the challenge for the region’s leaders and diplomats is actually about keeping the United States interested in the region.

· January 16, 2024
The Mekong Region Is a Test of China’s Global Development and Security Model

China’s role in the Mekong region demonstrates that development cooperation often requires closer security cooperation.

· December 1, 2023