Pay Attention to the Arab Public Response to the Israel-Hamas War

The peaceful nature of the mass mobilization reflects a growing trend to renounce violence.

· November 1, 2023
Arab Perspectives on the Middle East Crisis

Carnegie Middle East scholars examine the factors that led to the conflict between Israel and Hamas—and what comes next.

Will Gaza Set the Middle East Alight?

None of the major actors in the Middle East wants to see the conflict spread, but are locked into positions that lead in the contrary direction.

· October 13, 2023
In The Media
in the media
Central Asian Leaders Meet To Discuss Russia, Climate Change, And More

The presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan met in Dushanbe on September 14-15 at a time of great uncertainty in Central Asia.

· September 17, 2023
Radio Free Europe
The Turkish Election Could Reset Ankara’s Relations With the West

If the opposition wins, Washington and Brussels should be prepared to seize the opportunity.

· May 9, 2023
The Looming Danger of State Disintegration in Sudan

After the latest outbreak of violence, the country’s transition to democracy appears to be a pipedream.

· May 3, 2023