U.S.-China Relations Under Biden: A Look Ahead
December 1, 2020

One month after the U.S. election, Paul Haenle will moderate a discussion with American and Chinese experts on how the Biden administration will approach China, as well as how Beijing is gearing up for the new U.S. president.

Will the Trade Conflict Confound China’s Ambitions?

China’s economy faces uncertainty and choppy waters in the years ahead, a trend that the trade conflict with the United States seems likely to deepen.

  • George Magnus
· September 30, 2019
U.S.-China Relations at the Forty-Year Mark

January 2019 marks the fortieth anniversary of the normalization of relations between the People’s Republic of China and the United States. Four Carnegie scholars—two American and two Chinese—assess the relationship today.

· January 29, 2019
In the Media
What Deal Did Trump and Xi Strike at the G20?

The U.S. and Chinese presidents talked about trade and tariffs when they met in Buenos Aires. What is the view from China?

  • Chen Dingding
· December 4, 2018
In the Media
More than a Belt, More than a Road

Since its announcement in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative has grown from an idea centered on connectivity and infrastructure development into a global strategy bolstering China’s influence and economic diplomacy.

· April 30, 2018
In the Media
Cooperation Is the Best Way to Build a Bright Future for All

Amid the escalating Sino-U.S. trade friction, Xi’s speech can be seen as creating a mediating space for potential negotiation between Beijing and Washington in order to prevent the global economy from suffering another big blow.

· April 11, 2018
China Daily