A Horizon for the Syrian Solution

Tue. October 22nd, 2019
Beirut, Lebanon

This event has been postponed until further notice due to ongoing demonstrations in Beirut.

During the past few weeks, Syria has witnessed major political and military developments. The political process has seen the creation of a long-awaited constitutional committee, following an Iranian-Turkish-Russian summit. Syrian commentators continue to doubt that the process will yield any serious political concessions. The attempted expansion of Turkey’s “safe zone” allowed the Syrian regime to gain control over parts of Eastern Syria, and with Russian and Turkish backing, the Astana process continues to progress.

How will the ongoing military developments influence the political process? Will the constitutional committee now include the People’s Protection Units / Democratic Union Party (YPG/PYD)? What are the main pillars of the expected constitutional reform? To answer these questions, join us for a panel discussion on Tuesday, October 22 at the Carnegie Middle East Center from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

The event will be held in Arabic with simultaneous interpretation to English. 


Assaad Al Achi is a founding member of the Local Coordination Committees in Syria and is the executive director of Baytna Syria.

Alia Mansour is a journalist and former member of the Syrian National Coalition.

Karam Nachar is a co-founder and publisher of Al-Jumhuriya.


Mohanad Hage Ali is the director of communications and a fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center.

event speakers

Assaad Al Achi

Al-Achi is the executive director of Baytna Syria.

Alia Mansour

Karam Nachar

Co-Founder and Co-Editor, Al-Jumhuriya