Civil-Military Relations in Arab States

The Program on Civil-Military Relations in Arab States (CMRAS) is an initiative to develop policy tools, build civilian and military expertise in defense affairs, and enable civil-military dialogue. It aims to foster civilian oversight of defense sectors in Arab states, and to support the modernization and professionalization of Arab armed forces. Key stakeholders include defense sectors, academic networks, civil society and research organizations, government officials, the media, and parliamentarians.


An unprecedented number of Arab states are at war or at risk of relapsing into armed conflict. Several face the challenges of rebuilding national armed forces and reintegrating militias, while others experience interventions by armed forces in politics and economies. In addition, the role of women in defense sectors remains largely unaddressed across much of the Arab world.

Collectively, Arab states account for some of the highest rates of military spending in the world, but many struggle to provide peace and security to their societies. Instead, militarization fuels authoritarianism and human rights abuses, and generates gender violence and humanitarian crises. It has created dependence on military employment for social welfare, and increased defense sector corruption.

Genuine civilian and military capacity in defense affairs is necessary to reverse these trends. It enhances the planning capacity of Arab defense sectors, improves military performance by generating internal accountability, and enables absorption of international military practice and assistance.