Alexandre Kateb

All work from Alexandre Kateb

3 Results
The GCC’s Multipolar Pivot: From Shifting Trade Patterns to New Financial and Diplomatic Alliances

The Gulf Cooperation Council has shifted its energy export focus to Asia, particularly India and China. This is part of a broader shift as GCC members look to expand their geopolitical alliances away from the West.

  • Alexandre Kateb
· May 28, 2024
BRICS+ and the Arab Gulf: The Perks of Membership

As a matter of economic policy, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have much to gain by joining the bloc.

  • Alexandre Kateb
· January 4, 2024
How Might Middle Eastern and North African Countries Affect the BRICS Group?
September 28, 2023

The inclusion of Middle Eastern and North African countries in the BRICS group raises several pivotal questions: To address these questions and others, the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center is organizing a policy webinar on September 28, at 5:00 PM EEST. The speakers will be Alexander Kateb and (TBC).