Edward Djerejian

All work from Edward Djerejian

4 Results
One Last Try: Can the Obama Administration Advance Israeli-Palestinian Peace?
April 18, 2013

Join Ambassador Edward P. Djerejian and Carnegie Vice President Marwan Muasher for a discussion of the prospects for peace in the Middle East.

Russia and the Caspian in the Global Energy Balance
May 7, 2009

A recent Baker Institute study found that a Russia, Iran and Qatar gas cartel is unlikely. Instead of focusing on perceived threats, the U.S. should focus on regional conflict resolution and increasing dialogue within the Russian and Caspian regions. The Baker study featured research by several Carnegie scholars.

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Danger and Opportunity: An American Ambassador's Journey Through the Middle East
November 18, 2008

The real struggle of ideas in the Arab and Muslim world today is between moderate and extremist forces. As the majority of people remain undecided and nonaligned with either camp, the Obama administration must adopt policies that are geared toward strengthening the moderates and weakening the extremists.

The Strategic Importance of Natural Gas in Russia: Will Its Potential Be Realized?
September 30, 2005

Government officials, nongovernmental researchers and energy industry representatives discussed the future of Russian natural gas on the international market.