South Caucasus Turns Away From Russia Toward Middle East

Rapid geopolitical change is curtailing Russian power in the South Caucasus, boosting the influence of Middle Eastern countries and bookending the region’s “post-Soviet” history.

· February 8, 2024
Russian Immigration to Georgia Sparks Tensions Ahead of Election

Ahead of parliamentary elections due next year, anti-Russian sentiment is an increasingly potent mobilizing force in Georgian politics.

· December 19, 2023
Georgia’s Winding Road to EU Membership
November 30, 2023

Georgia is moving toward Europe while retreating from democracy. Following the European Commission’s recommendation to grant the country EU candidate status, with many conditions attached, European leaders will meet in December to confirm whether Georgia merits this new position.

Georgia’s EU Candidate Status Will Test Its Relations With Russia

The announcement of EU candidate status is both a boon for Georgia and a geopolitical challenge, given possible retaliation from Russia.

· November 17, 2023
EU-Georgia Relations: A Local Show of the Global Theater

Tbilisi is hoping to progress toward European integration while resisting genuine reform. In deliberating Georgia’s possible EU membership, Brussels faces an uncomfortable choice between geopolitical calculus and adherence to its own democratization criteria.

  • Natalie Sabanadze
· November 16, 2023
A Reluctant Magnet: Navigating the EU’s Absorption Capacity

The prospect of further enlargement presents the EU with multiple institutional, policy, and financial dilemmas. The successful integration of Ukraine and other candidate countries will require pragmatism, reforms, and transitional arrangements.

· September 21, 2023