Hiroshi Motomura
Hiroshi Motomura
Hiroshi Motomura
Nonresident Scholar, Carnegie California
Hiroshi Motomura


Hiroshi Motomura is a nonresident scholar with Carnegie California. He is a scholar of immigration and citizenship law, serving as the Susan Westerberg Prager Distinguished Professor of Law and Faculty Co-Director of the Center for Immigration Law and Policy at the UCLA School of Law.

Hiroshi is the author of Immigration Outside the Law (Oxford 2014), Americans in Waiting (Oxford 2006), plus many articles on immigration and citizenship, and he is a co-author of the law school casebook, Immigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy (West 10th ed. forthcoming late 2025).

Hiroshi received UCLA Law’s Rutter Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2021 and the UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award in 2014, and he is one of 26 U.S. law professors profiled in What the Best Law Teachers Do (Harvard 2013). He received the Professor Chris Kando Iijima Teacher and Mentor Award from the Conference of Asian Pacific American Law Faculty (CAPALF) in 2013.

Hiroshi is a founding director of the Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) and was a director of the National Immigration Law Center from 2011 through 2020. He has testified in Congress, served on the ABA Commission on Immigration, and has volunteered in significant litigation and advocacy efforts, including the campaign that led to DACA. Hiroshi was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Residency to write his latest book, Borders and Belonging, forthcoming in January 2025 from Oxford University Press. And he is featured in the Try Guys video, The Try Guys Try Immigrating to America.