Ibrahim Jalal
Nonresident Scholar, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center


Ibrahim Jalal is a nonresident scholar at the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center. His research explores third-party-led peace processes; maritime security in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden; the proliferation of non-state actors and its implications on the implementation of peace agreements, post-war security orders, and stabilization efforts; the politics of social assistance in fragile and conflict-affected states; violent extremism; the foreign and defense policies of the Gulf and Western states in Yemen; and the evolving regional security architecture in the Middle East and North Africa. He has worked with the United Nations, the Middle East Institute, the Yemen Policy Center, the Overseas Development Institute, and Sussex University’s Institute of Development Studies.

areas of expertise
English, Arabic

All work from Ibrahim Jalal

2 Results
The Houthi Factor: Gaza, the Axis of Resistance, and Middle East Stability
August 13, 2024

The Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center is organizing a webinar to discuss the latest dynamics at play beyond Yemen and their broader domestic and regional implications.

  • +2
U.S. Military Actions in Yemen Won’t Work

The best way for Washington to address Ansar Allah’s hindrance of seaborne traffic is to tie maritime security in the region to the Yemeni peace process.

· January 19, 2024