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European Muslims Are Already European

No community wants to feel it is being engaged with because it is a “problem”—a “difficulty” that has come from “outside.” Rather, they want to be recognized as integral to the society of which they are a part, and given assistance in order to excel—not because the establishment fears them.

published by
 on November 20, 2020

Source: Politico

By definition, something that’s “counterproductive” achieves the opposite result from the one that you want to achieve. As I’ve pondered European Council President Charles Michel’s call for the creation of a European institute to train imams, it’s that word — counterproductive — that has come to mind again and again.

There’s nothing untoward, intrinsically speaking, to favor the establishment and development of Muslim institutions of religious authority in Europe. That simply follows an existing pattern for Muslim communities historically and worldwide.

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This article was originally published in Politico.

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