Behind the Scenes: China’s Increasing Role in Russia’s Defense Industry

While China may not want to upend ties with Europe and the United States, it seeks to ensure that Russia remains a stable strategic partner. Providing Russia with dual-use components rather than finished weapons has allowed China to provide support for Russia while claiming plausible deniability.

· May 6, 2024
In The Media
in the media
Xi Jinping Has Learned a Lot From the War in Ukraine

One lesson is that China needs to prepare for a long conflict because the West lacks staying power.

· May 6, 2024
Wall Street Journal
In The Media
in the media
Putin and Xi’s Unholy Alliance

Why the West Won’t Be Able to Drive a Wedge Between Russia and China

· April 9, 2024
Foreign Affairs
Will Climate Change Drive a Wedge Between Russia and China?

Beijing’s rush to embrace renewable energy—and Moscow’s reluctance—is a systemic threat to economic cooperation between the two countries.

· December 20, 2023
In the Media
Intersecting Policies: Exploring the Domestic Foundations of Uzbekistan’s Changing Stance on China

This research paper examines the evolution of Uzbekistan’s policy towards China, focusing on the interplay between domestic and foreign policies

· December 15, 2023
OSCE Academy in Bishkek
Is Russia About to Add Ideology to Its Chinese Imports?

Beijing has nothing to offer Moscow in terms of ideology, but will gladly share its ideas for the economy and political control.

· July 12, 2023