Meeting Egypt’s Environmental Challenges
January 11, 2024

While Egypt has made notable improvements in certain environmental sectors, it also remains one of the region’s worst polluters. To discuss what is being done to tackle Egypt’s environmental challenges in a sample of sectors, the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center is organizing an event on January 11, at 4:00 PM Beirut Time with Nadine Wahab, and Yasmine Hussein.

Misfortune to Marginalization: The Geopolitical Impact of Structural Economic Failings in Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon

The food, energy, and debt crises in the Middle East and North Africa have exacerbated structural economic weaknesses of low- and middle-income countries—particularly Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon—creating mounting pressure on domestic political orders and worsening these countries’ geopolitical marginalization.

· January 8, 2024
Meeting Egypt’s Environmental Challenges

Egypt finds itself at a critical environmental juncture, with climate change posing grave risks to its economy, sovereignty, and stability. A business-as-usual approach or maladaptation could have major adverse consequences.

  • +3
· December 5, 2023
Arab Peace Initiative II: How Arab Leadership Could Design a Peace Plan in Israel and Palestine

Past peace processes in Israel and Palestine showed what makes negotiations work. This time, Arab governments are uniquely positioned to broker a lasting peace.

· November 17, 2023
Climate Change in Egypt: Opportunities and Obstacles

Much of Egypt’s population is already suffering from the effects of climate change, and many more are at risk. If the country continues the mitigations it has started, it can still help to protect them.

North Africa Demurs on Normalization With Israel

On the third anniversary of the Abraham Accords, an already fractured region is divided further over the prospects of peace.

· September 15, 2023