Economic Injustice is Anchoring Itself in the Arab World

The Middle East and North Africa is characterized by inequalities, and this will have profound consequences for economic growth, social cohesion, and, ultimately, political stability in the region.

· February 2, 2024
U.S. Military Actions in Yemen Won’t Work

The best way for Washington to address Ansar Allah’s hindrance of seaborne traffic is to tie maritime security in the region to the Yemeni peace process.

· January 19, 2024
The Future of the Gulf Cooperation Council Amid Saudi-Emirati Rivalry

An intensifying geostrategic rivalry between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates is challenging the GCC’s influence and unity.

· October 30, 2023
Kingdom of Football

As Saudi Arabia invests in high-profile international players, a key question is how might its league improve?

· September 19, 2023
Reform or Recklessness? Which Path for the Arab Region?

States in the Middle East and North Africa can be divided into three categories, but all of them must adopt a holistic approach toward development in order to succeed.

· August 30, 2023
Climate Change and Vulnerability in the Middle East

Climate change in the Middle East will amplify preexisting vulnerabilities stemming from conflict, displacement, marginalization, and corruption, while also creating new risks. Governments in the region will need to adopt more inclusive reforms as part of their climate adaptation strategies.