Comrades-in-Sanctions: Can Iran Help Russia Weather the Economic Storm?

The potential for cooperation in certain areas, like military technology, may look promising. But Iran cannot be counted upon to really help the Russian economy withstand the impact of sanctions.

· November 4, 2022
In The Media
in the media
Was NATO Enlargement a Mistake?

A collection of perspectives on NATO, the decision to proceed with its enlargement, and its impact on European and global security.

Conservatives Triumph in Tehran: Does the Iran Nuclear Deal Still Matter?

The Iran nuclear deal is important not just because of what it achieves, but also as a model for potential future agreements. It tests an approach whereby the United States concludes an agreement with a rogue state, while the implementation of that agreement is secured by a multilateral format.

· June 30, 2021
In the Media
Iranian and Russian Perspectives on the Global System

Russia and Iran should talk more about how they interpret each other’s interests, adjust these interpretations and avoid misinterpretations in the future.

· March 27, 2017
Russian International Affairs Coucil
Fateful Triangle

How does Russia position itself between Iran and Israel in the Middle East?

· March 14, 2017