South Asia
Autonomy Minus a Strategy

In an interview, Rosa Balfour discusses European tensions with the United States over the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal.

· September 7, 2021
Gone Boys

Far from being exceptions, botched American withdrawals have tended to be the rule in the broader Middle East.

· August 30, 2021
Tehran’s Achilles Heel?

In an interview, Fatemeh Aman discusses how ongoing developments in Afghanistan might affect neighboring Iran.

· August 24, 2021
Legacy and Lessons of the Arab Spring at Ten: A Conversation in Honor of Malcolm H. Kerr
October 19, 2020

The event will feature remarks by William J. Burns, Ann Kerr, and Maha Yahya, followed by a conversation between Jihad Azour, Marwan Muasher, Ben Rhodes, and Christiane Amanpour looking toward the ten-year anniversary of the Arab Spring.

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India’s View on Soleimani, Iran, and the United States

For India, the equation is pretty simple: better diplomatic relations between the United States and Iran would let New Delhi deal more smoothly with both countries. A decline in the relationship adversely affects Indian interests.

· January 9, 2020
What Impact Might Osama bin Laden’s Son, Hamza, Have on the Fortunes of Al-Qa’eda?

A regular survey of experts on matters relating to Middle Eastern and North African politics and security.

· March 14, 2019