Russia and Central Asia: Never Closer, or Drifting Apart?

Moscow had every opportunity to make the Central Asian nations gravitate toward it of their own accord. Yet now Russian soft power in Central Asia is dissipating before our eyes.

· December 23, 2022
Crises in Central Asia Belie the Region’s Ability to Democratize

All the crises that have erupted in Central Asia this year have the same underlying causes: weak political institutions, and governments that dismiss public frustration until it erupts into bloodshed on the streets.

· July 13, 2022
Why Russia Sees Little Threat in China’s Growing Involvement in Tajikistan

Even if there is cause for competition in Central Asia, both Moscow and Beijing see friendly bilateral relations as a priority, especially against the backdrop of their escalating confrontation with the West.

· December 31, 2021
Why Tajikistan Is Taking a Stand Against the Taliban

Tajikistan has no intention of getting into a direct confrontation with the Taliban. Rather, by taking a few more risks than its neighbors, the Tajik leadership is counting on boosting its popularity, both at home and abroad.

· October 26, 2021
Is There a Place for a U.S. Military Base in Central Asia?

It was not so long ago that the United States had military bases in the region. But now much depends on whether the advantages would outweigh the inevitable losses that Central Asian countries would sustain as a result of Moscow and Beijing’s displeasure.

· June 4, 2021
Are There Any Winners of the War on the Kyrgyz-Tajik Border?

The recent escalation did not resemble a local dispute that got out of hand. Dark clouds have been gathering over the region for a long time, and the decision to embark on military action was taken at the highest level.

· May 19, 2021