United States
In The Media
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What The West (Still) Gets Wrong About Putin

One of the reasons it’s so difficult to understand Russian intentions—and what is at stake in the Ukraine war—is the significant divergence between how external observers see events and how they are viewed from the Kremlin.

· June 1, 2022
The Spectacular Rise of the “Bad Boys” of NATO During the Ukraine Crisis

And how Russia’s war has upended ties in China, Turkey, and the Arctic.

What a Week of Talks Between Russia and the West Revealed

Moscow’s demands of the United States and NATO are in fact the strategic goals of Russian policy in Europe. If Russia cannot achieve them by diplomatic means, it will resort to other methods.

· January 20, 2022
Will Putin Get What He Wants on Ukraine?

For now, Biden is the leader who prevented a war, but that’s not to say that the summit will be followed by a rapid de-escalation: not until Moscow sees new steps being taken by Washington on Ukraine. First and foremost, that means progress on implementing the Minsk agreements.

· December 9, 2021
Interpreting the Biden Doctrine: The View From Moscow

It is the success or failure of remaking America, not Afghanistan, that will determine not just the legacy of the Biden administration, but the future of the United States itself.

· September 7, 2021
Lessons for Russia From the U.S. Leadership Crisis

It would be foolish to assume the American withdrawal from Afghanistan will be repeated everywhere else that there is a U.S. presence.

· August 23, 2021