All Change in the Russian-Western Strategic Climate

The current confrontation between the West and Russia will continue. Within that confrontation, however, a degree of cooperation is possible.

· February 14, 2016
In the Media
Big Plans for Greater Europe

Both Russia and the European Union are at a stage when setting out their own domestic priorities and defining their respective global roles are more important than achieving an alliance.

· October 7, 2013
Russian International Affairs Council
In the Media
Oh, Angela, Why Are You Not Margaret?

Merkel’s rule, apparently, means a break in Germany’s life due to the lack of new political elites and leaders.

· September 25, 2013
In the Media
Human Rights and Sports Events

Despite the support by some political parties in Europe, human rights organizations have been unable to prevent high-profile events taking place in autocratic countries.

· February 18, 2013
New York Times
How Russia Sees Europe After the Euro Crisis

In Moscow’s view, there is little chance that the European Union will emerge from the crisis as a strategic player. Yet Europe continues to have huge influence on Russia.

· February 15, 2013
In the Media
Is the End of the Crisis in Sight?

As Italian and Spanish spreads on government bonds decline, Europeans are breathing a big sigh of relief. But true recovery requires big structural shifts that will take many years.

· March 28, 2012
Il Sole